RSM Student Accomplishments
Check out the recent accomplishments of our students that have participated in a number of local, regional, and national music competitions.
MSMTA Music Theory Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2025 MSMTA Music Theory testing exam. Our Students received superior ratings:
- Danielle Choi
- Emily Choi
- Emma Cigich
- Jaxon Garcia
- Emery Hargrove
- Stone Hargrove
- Anisa Jackson
- Roy Prather
- Jack Webber
MSMTA Musicianship Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2025 Maryland State Music Teacher Association (MSMTA) Musicianship Exam. Our students received superior ratings:
- Danielle Choi
- Emily Choi
- Jaxon Garcia
- Emery Hargrove
- Stone Hargrove
- Roy Prather
- Jack Webber
2024 Awards and honors
Piano Guild Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s students that participated in the 2024 Howard County Chapter of Piano Guild. Our students received Special Plaques, Superior Plus, Superior, Superior Minus and Excellent ratings:
- Superior Plus: Danielle Choi
- Superior: Sofia Fabian, Asha Patel, Xylia Wheat, Taylor Jackson, Stone Hargrove, Emery Hargrove, Veena Sellappan, Allison Sabo, Anisa Jackson, Valentia Leal, Liev Elvard, Liam Elvard, Gabriel Roberson, Elinah Opaigbeogu, Roy Prather, Susanna Babatunde, Kim Burson
- Superior Minus: Luca Fabian, Shyla Sellappan, Roy Prather, Miles Prather, Jack Webber
- Excellent: Emily Choi
Congratulations to the following students that received special plaques this year:
- Founder’s Plaque: Danielle Choi and Anisa Jackson
MTNA Studio Festival Awards
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2024 Howard County Chapter MTNA Studio Festival.
- Superior Plus: Miles Prather
- Superior Plus: Aanya Sinha
MSMTA Piano solo competition
Congratulations to Stone Hargrove and Roy Prather who participated in the MSMTA piano solo competition and received excellent ratings.
Miriam S. Gottlieb Piano Competition
Congratulations to Danielle Choi for receiving excellent ratings in the Miriam S. Gottlieb Memorial Piano Competition.
MSMTA Music Theory Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2024 MSMTA Music Theory testing exam. Our Students received superior and excellent ratings:
- Superior: Stone Hargrove
- Superior: Danielle Choi
- Superior: Roy Prather
- Excellent: Luas Rosa
MSMTA Musicianship Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2024 MSMTA Musicianship Exam. Our students received superior ratings:
- Danielle Choi
- Samuel Choi
- Stone Hargrove
- Roy Prather
2023 Awards and Honors
Piano Guild Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s students that participated in the 2023 Howard County Chapter of Piano Guild. Our students received Special Plaques, Superior Plus, Superior and Superior Minus ratings:
- Superior Plus: Chloe Yan, Liam Elvard, Samuel Choi
- Superior: Jeremy Zhang, Sophia James, Danielle Spence, Veena Sellappan, Allison sabo, Valentina Leal, Gabriel Roberson, Liev Elvard, Sofia Fabian, Xylia Wheat, Taylor Jackson, Anisa Jackson, Marium Haider, Isaiah McCray
- Superior Minus: Susanna Babatunde, Kazim Haider, Kim Burson
Congratulations to the following students that received special plaques this year:
- Early Bach Plaque: Danielle Spence
- Founder’s Plaque: Samuel Choi
MTNA Studio Festival Awards
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2023 Howard County Chapter MTNA Studio Festival for voice.
- Superior Minus: Aanya Sinha
- Excellent Plus: Kim Burson
MSMTA Distinguished Music Achievement Award
Congratulations to Jeremy Zhang for being awarded the MSMTA Distinguished Music Achievement Award at the Elementary level.
MSMTA Piano Solo Competition – Student Achievement
Congratulations to Chloe Yan for receiving honorable mention and Samuel Choi for receiving excellent ratings in the 2023 MSMTA Spring Piano Festival.
Royal Conservatory Exam Award
Congratulations to Kai Luo for receiving First Class Honours in the 2023 Royal Conservatory practical examination.
MSMTA Piano Solo and Musicianship Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to Jeremy Zhang and Samuel Choi who participated in the MSMTA piano solo competition and the MSMTA musicianship exam. Jeremy and Samuel received superior ratings.
MSMTA Music Theory Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2023 MSMTA Music Theory testing exam. Our Students received superior plus and excellent ratings:
Superior Plus: Chloe Yan, Jeremy Zhang, Kai Luo
Superior: Samuel Choi
Excellent Plus: Kim Burson
2022 Awards and Honors
Piano Guild Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s students that participated in the 2022 Howard County Chapter of Piano Guild. Our students received Superior Plus, Superior and Superior Minus ratings:
- Superior Minus: Gabriella Kerechanin, Sanya Srenenivas
- Superior: Xylia Wheat, Sofia Fabian, Jeremy Zhang, Taylor Jackson
- Superior Plus: Rana Ghandi, Chloe Yan, Anisa Jackson, Sola Garmew, Veena Sellappan, Danielle Spence, Shishir Nallar, Isaiah McCray
MSMTA Music Theory Exam
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2022 MSMTA Music Theory testing exam. Our Students averaged in the 95th percentile receiving superior and excellent ratings:
Superior Plus: Lucas Rosa, Jaylen Yan, Chloe Yan, Jeremy Zhang
Superior: Kim Burson
Excellent Plus: Allison Sabo, Alexandra Wu
Royal Conservatory Exam Award
Congratulations to Kai Luo for receiving First Class Honours in the 2022 Royal Conservatory practical examination.
MSMTA Keyboard Musicianship Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to Jeremy Zhang who participated in the MSMTA keyboard musicianship exam. Jeremy received superior ratings.
MSMTA Piano Solo Competition – Student Achievement
Congratulations to Jeremy Zhang who participated in the MSMTA piano solo competition. Jeremy received excellent ratings.
2021 Awards and Honors
Piano Guild Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s students that participated in the 2021 Howard County Chapter of Piano Guild. Our students received Superior Plus, Superior, Superior Minus and Excellent Plus ratings:
- Excellent Plus: Kim Burson, Rishi Aluru, Alexander Sleeman
- Superior Minus: Susanna Babatunde, Sophia Fabian, Allison Sabo, Caleb King, Lucas Rosa
- Superior: Veena Sellappan, Danielle Spence, Shishir Nallar, Gabriella Kerechanin, Sebastian Clare, Sophia Clare, Sophia James, Valentina Rosa, Chloe Yabn
- Superior Plus: Terrence Tam, Anisa Jackson, Isaiah McCray, Jeremy Zhang, Zane Bourne, Nicholas Emig
Congratulations to the following students that received special plaques this year:
- Sonatina Performance Plaque (performed a complete Sonatina program consisting of 14 memorized pieces): Shishir Nallar, Danielle Spence
MTNA Studio Festival Awards
Congratulations to RSM student, Kaylin Herron, for her participation in the 2021 Howard County Chapter MTNA Studio Festival. Kaylin performed on the cello and received a superior minus rating.
Royal Conservatory Exam Award
Congratulations to Alexandra Wu for receiving Honours in the 2021 Royal Conservatory practical examination.
MSMTA Music Theory Exam – Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2021 MSMTA Music Theory testing exam. Our Students averaged in the 90th percentile receiving superior and excellent ratings.
- Superior Plus: Alexandra Wu, Rana Ghandi, Isaiah McCray, Rishi Aluru, Nicholas Emig, Sebastian Clare, Sophia Clare, Michael Leahy, Kai Lou, Terrence Tam, Kim Burson
- Superior: Allison Sabo
- Excellent Plus: Veena Sellappan, Alexander Sleeman
- Excellent: Valentina Rosa
2020 Awards and Honors
Piano Guild Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s students that participated in the 2020 Howard County Chapter of Piano Guild. Our students received Superior Plus, Superior, Superior Minus and Excellent Plus ratings:
- Excellent Plus: Veena Sellappan
- Superior Minus: Allison Sabo, Gabrielle Jackson, Lucas Rosa, Alaiyah Shelton, Caleb King, Susanna Babatunde, Rana Ghandi
- Superior: Nadia Walcott, Valentina Rosa, John Sharpe, Soraya Sharif, Anisa Jackson, Sophia James, Aiko Gulston, Tatyana Chasen, Sophia Clare, Sebastian Clare, Isaiah McCray, Rishi Aluru, Alexander Sleeman, Jeremy Zhang, Nicholas Emig, Shishir Nallar
- Superior Plus: Jeanine Sharpe, Cloe Sharpe, Danielle Spence, Veronica Sharpe
- Duets Superior Minus: Sophia Clare and Sebastian Clare
- Duets Superior: Danielle Spence and Tatyana Chasen
Congratulations to the following students that received special plaques this year:
- Founder Performance Plaque: Shishir Nallar
- Sonatina Performance Plaque: Nicholas Emig
- High School Diploma Performance Plaque: Veronica Sharpe (performed a 90 minute program)
Royal Conservatory Exam Award
Congratulations to Alexandra Wu for receiving Honours in the 2020 Royal Conservatory practical examination.
MSMTA Piano Solo Competition – Student Achievement
Congratulations RSM students, Terrence Tam for receiving honorable mention and Grace Lowden for receiving excellent ratings in the 2020 MSMTA Spring Piano Festival Competition. The MSMTA Spring Festival Piano Competition is an annual event in which students perform two pieces from different periods. Way to go Terrence and Grace!.
2019 Awards and Honors
Doris and Larry Chase Sonata Competition
Congratulations to RSM student, Sean Cheng, for receiving honorable mention in the Doris and Larry Chase Sonata Competition this year. The Doris and Larry Chase Sonata Competition is held for students in 12th grade and below. Way to go Sean!
MSMTA Piano Solo Competition – Student Achievement
Congratulations to all RSM students that completed in the 2019 MSMTA Spring Piano Solo Festival. Our students received outstanding ratings and awards:
- 1st Place Winner: Sean Cheng
- 2nd Place Winner: Vincent Zhou
- Honorable Mention Award: Alexandra Wu and Jason Yu
- Excellent Rating: Nicholas Emig and Grace Lowden
Congratulations to RSM student, Olivia Hammond, for winning first place, gold medal, in the Classical Instrumental Music category of the 2019 Act-So competition in Howard County. Olivia will compete in Act-So’s national competition in Detroit Michigan this summer.
MTNA Studio Festival Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s 2019 MTNA Studio Festival Winners Scoring Superior Plus, Superior, Superior Minus, Excellent Plus and Excellent ratings:
- Local Winners (performed 3-4 memorized pieces):Dev Patel, Cameron Grissom, Kim Burson
- Pledge Winner (performed 2 memorized pieces): Taylor Anderson, Kia Bourne, Amisa Humphrey, Lillian Sengamalay
Piano Guild Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s students that participated in the 2019 Howard County Chapter of Piano Guild. Our students received Superior Plus, Superior, Superior Minus and Excellent Plus ratings:
- State Winners (performed 7-9 memorized pieces): Nicholas Emig, Sydney Smith, Danielle Spence, Shishir Nallar
- District Winners (performed 4-6 memorized pieces): Soraya Sharif, Shravan Yoagentharan, Anisa Jackson, Nadia Walcott, Aiko Gulston, Matthew Wu, Laila Sheikh, Alexander Sleeman, Sebastian Clare, Sophia Clare
- Local Winners (performed 2-3 memorized pieces): Valentina Rosa, Taylor Jackson, Zane Bourne, Myles Walcott, Alexandra Wu, Allison Sabo, Kim Burson, Isaiah McCray, Tatyana Chasen
Congratulations to the following students that received special plaques this year:
- Founder’s Plaque Award: Danielle Spence and Nicholas Emig
Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM student, Anika Sinha, who was selected to participate in the 2019 National Juniors Honors Choir. She will be performing at the Royal Festival Hall in London this summer. She was selected after a nationwide audition in which she had to submit two recorded songs. Anika will also participate in the Women’s Gifted and Talented (GT) Ensemble next year when she starts high school. Way to go Anika
Student Achievement
Congratulations to RSM student, Olivia Hammond, who is one of four freshman to be accepted into the Howard County High School Gifted and Talented Orchestra (HSGTO)! The HSGTO is an honors ensemble comprising of students from every high school in Howard County. Talented students are selected to audition for the GT Orchestra. Once selected, they participate in various rehearsals in order to prepare for GT Orchestra concerts.
2018 Awards and Honors
Congratulations to RSM students that participated in the 2018 MSMTA music theory testing exam. Our students ranked in the 87th percentile and above receiving superior and excellent ratings.
- Superior: Aiko Gulston, Jillian Shoultz, Ethan Shoultz, Matthew Wu, Laila Sheikh, Nicholas Emig, Samaira Hammond, Alexander Sleeman, John Dorsey.
- Excellent: Valentina Rosa, Shishir Nallar
- State Winners (performed 7-9 memorized pieces): Nicholas Emig
- District Winners (performed 4-6 memorized pieces): Sebastian Clare, Aiko Gulston, Samaira Hammond, Shishir Nallar, Soraya Sharif, Danielle Spence, Sydney Smith
- Local Winners (performed 2-3 memorized pieces): Nadia Walcott, Anisa Jackson, Krishna Gawandi, Alexandra Wu, Shravan Yoagentharan, Misha Usmani, Kemka Ihemelandu, Kainetochi Ihemelandu, Sophia Clare, Tatyana Chasen, Alexander Sleeman, Isaiah McCray, Nia Holland, Valentina Rosa, Laila Sheikh, Kim Burson
MTNA Studio Festival Awards
Congratulations to RSM’s 2018 MTNA Studio Festival Winners Scoring Superior, Excellent and Good Ratings
- Local Winners (performed 3-4 memorized pieces):Dev Patel, Mishty Patel and Cameron Grissom
- Pledge Winner (performed 2 memorized pieces):Kemka Ihemelandu, Kainetochi Ihemelandu and Kim Burson